Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay... I am a fairly political guy. I follow politics somewhat closely. not manically but I try to stay informed. And I discuss political and social topics on a daily basis with my coworkers and friends. I disagree with many of them but enjoy hearing what others think and believe. And, more importantly, the reasons behind their beliefs.

Tomorrow is a big day in presidential politics in this country. They are calling it "Super Tuesday" (we love our catch phrases!) due to the fact that several states are hosting their primaries tomorrow.

I spent the weekend listening to podcasts and doing some research online. Although the chances of me voting Republican are virtually nil I still did some research on the remaining candidates. But a lot of my time was fact checking and reviewing debates to learn more about the two remaining Democratic candidates.

I have been a registered Democrat my entire adult life. I come from a Democratic family. And I have always considered myself a liberal. I personally dislike the new term "progressive" that is used by former liberals. I think it is such a capitulation to allow the opposing party to take over your language and identity and make you ashamed of it. So I continue to call myself "liberal."

But I try to be fair. I research both parties and have felt quite upset with the current Democratic party. To me they have moved so far to the center (a legacy of Bill Clinton) that most of the mainstream Democrats are toeing the line into Conservatism.

I was not sure what I would do when the primaries came to California. But after this weekend and the last Democratic debate I am certain who I will cast my vote for.

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