Wednesday, February 6, 2008


It looks like McCain is the official front runner of the Republican primaries. From what I have been hearing on the radio and reading on news sites, McCain has that parties nomination pretty much in the bag.

Things are not so clear on the Democratic side. The two remaining candidates are running neck and neck. Clinton has a total of 823 delegates and Obama has 741. Those totals include 630 pledged delegates for Clinton and 635 for Obama. Pledged candidates are those which have been won through the elections. The difference is made up of promised "super delegates."

On one news station this morning one political commentator said that Obama had both the "money and the mo'," meaning that he has been raising money far more successfully than Hillary Clinton and has a momentum in his political sails.

The buzz on the talk shows is that Obama has a momentum and energy in his campaign. That head to head against McCain he would be able to offer a larger contrast than Clinton would.

But this weekend I heard one talk show host say, "if your advance is easy and unhindered, that only means you are walking into an ambush." This person believed that the opposition wants Obama to win the Democratic nomination. Why?

He said that he had read that William Kristol, famed conservative strategist, once proclaimed that if they used gender as a wedge issue they would lose. But if they used race as a wedge issue the Republicans would surely win. God bless America!

One thing that seems to have changed is that blacks are now moving behind Obama. Several months back there was all this nonsensical talk about "is he black enough" coming from blacks. I found this to be, well, ridiculous. But this attitude and the doubts about his ability to compete and win have faded away it seems.

Apparently this is evidenced by the news released today that the Clinton's had to loan her campaign $5 million! This story can be contrasted with a report that the Obama campaign raised money at a 2-to-1 ration when compared to the Clinton campaign in January.

Obama Does Well In The South
One interesting outcome from yesterday's "Super Tuesday" votes is that Obama seemed to do quite well in the southern states. And the support seemed to be quite diverse overall for this candidate. A Democrat doing well in the south is a big thing!

Clinton won fewer states but won the states with huge delegate prizes; New York (her carpetbag home state), New Jersey and California namely.

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