Monday, February 4, 2008


Last week one of my coworkers argued that the federal deficit was higher under the Clinton administration than  it currently is under the Bush Jr. administration.

Of course, because I have not had my head buried in the sand for the last two decades, I knew that my friend was sorely mistaken. I asked him to produce the statistics proving his case, at which point he hemmed and hawed, mumbling something about how the "liberal media" would skew the facts. I countered by reassuring him that this is a fairly easy statistic to find and could be measured in raw numbers. Still no way he was going to produce his evidence. In fact, he could not have possibly done so even if he wanted to.

So this morning I did a quick Goggle search and found a graph from the U.S. government charting the federal deficit from 1950 to the present.

Even I was shocked at the extreme upward jump in the deficit during the Reagan administration! I have heard the phrase "tax and spend liberal" quite often. But after looking at this chart I have to say that there seems to be something going for that economic strategy when compared to the alternative. If Reagan is the poster child and prototypical Conservative this country simply cannot afford more economics of that mold.

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