Tuesday, February 12, 2008


You might be asking yourself, "what strike? Have I been missing something?"

Chances are that unless you work in "the Industry" (don't you just love the pretension?!) or have grown so tired of reality television that you are ready to throw your tv in front of the next large truck plowing past your house... you don't really care that much that the Writer's Guild of America has voted to end their walkout.

The strike, which has lasted close to three months, has had a widespread effect in Los Angeles. For example, I know a couple who are in dire financial straights due to the strike. The husband is an assistant cameraman and the wife is a hair & makeup artist servicing the entertainment industry. And there has not been any work for them for three months. Imagine that! Caterers. Film processing labs. Local restaurants. The impact has been substantial.

Why did the writers walk off their jobs? Money, of course? And not that that is a bad thing; there was a lot at stake and a lot worth fighting for. Particularly when this is your livelihood and how you feed your family and pay your mortgage.

In the end that strong solidarity amongst writers won out...

... well, unless you are a writer for animation. The WGA dropped those hard working folks like a bad habit! What's a writer to do?

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