Monday, February 11, 2008


I found an interesting article about one of the more frequent criticisms leveled at candidate Barak Obama: that he does not have executive management experience.

And this is in fact true. But he has sure managed the heck out of his campaign. Especially when compared to the other Democratic candidates.

I would often hear from my Republican friends (yes, it IS possible to have a meaningful friendship with ultra-conservative Republicans!) that Mitt Romney's executive management experience is what made him the best candidate to run this country. Well, if his campaign was any indication of how well he manages an enterprise... he certainly did not get a good return on his investment. He outspent his Republican opponents by an enormous margin, choosing to spend his own money rather than take the time and effort to raise it from his supporters, and was still beaten handily in most of the contests.

Of course running a country is quite different than running a business. Or a political campaign. It takes vision. An ability to inspire. And the willingness and personality that will allow a leader to reach across the aisle and bring the opposing sides together. Not always easy. Hopefully made more easy by a candidate without a long history in the Beltway.

For Proof Obama Can Manage, Look At His Campaign

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