Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I just stumbled onto an article about soldiers are Fort hood who have begun speaking out critically about the ongoing war in Iraq.

I've personally not served. I have had family members do multiple tours of duty on the ground in Iraq. And while I admire their commitment and courage I do not now nor ever have supported the war. When I hear Senator Clinton evading her affirmative vote to authorize engagement in that country with the excuse of "if only I knew better" it infuriates me!

There were MILLIONS of people worldwide who opposed this war. It comes down to judgement and she failed miserably to adequately use her to avoid a catastrophic and costly error in her own judgement.

Yes. It is possible to support the troops while not supporting the war the have been asked to fight in.

This quote from the article sums up the critical feelings of some of these troops:

"The honest truth is that if the American people knew what was going on over there everyday, they would be raising their voices too. They would be saying, 'Hey, bring those guys home."

Fort Hood Soldiers Breaking The Silence In Iraq War

Worldwide Marches Against the Iraq War

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